Everything You Need To Know About the E-Waste Recycling and its Function in the Circular Economy

· Recycle

For the longest time, people raised concerns about regular garbage andits disposal on the roadways. How many times have you noticed yourself grumbling about your nearby street - “These roads, no matter how much they are scrubbed, people will always throw garbage on it.” Like our regular garbage of leftover veggies and cardboard boxes, there is another kind of waste on the rise. A type of waste that is a direct product of the emerging digitalisation
and evolution of the world. We are talking about E-Waste or Electronic Waste.

Last year saw the revamp of the existing E-Waste Management Rules (2016).Today, more and more people are inquisitive about the growing risk of electronic waste and buckled up about its recycling. But how? E-Waste disposal is a humongous thing to understand, let aloneimplement. The world is in introductory terms with the apprehension of the paradigm shift from linear manufacturing to the circular economy model. The circular economy is most active in the electronic recycling industry. Let us check out how.

A Brief Introduction To the Circular Economy Model

In the most literal sense, the circular economy model can be describedas a prototype of creation and utilisation promising prolonged development. Circular economy principles focus on thefollowing factors:

a)    It aids inresource optimisation

b)    It aids inoffering a particular product a second life, like a new one

c)    It aids inrecycling the product

d)    It aids in thedecline of raw material consumption

Wondering how would a circular economy model amplify e-wastemanagement? The circular economy model principles will effectively direct the complete eradication of electronic waste and also prevent its accumulation in landfills. Consequentially, incorporating the circular economy model on e-waste will lead to expanding the product’s life and reusing the elements - All reaping economic benefits. There is ample space for developing an augmented circular economy that capitalises on resources and is recycled in numerous ways, making way for an elegant and sustainable ambience, unlike when they were drawn, utilised, and discarded.

IntroducingE-Waste Management and Recycling

A lot goes inside e-waste management and recycling - from glasses tometals, plastic to rare earth. To simplify it, any electronic thing that has the potential to be recycled can be brought under e-waste recycling. Speaking of the present Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act highlights recycling or sustainable disposal of old equipment to boost the process of recycling
critical raw materials in e-waste.
As a consumer, you need to imply by the e-waste management rules anddispose of your obsolete electronic equipment in your electrical stores, recycling centres, or massive supermarkets selling electrical equipment. But the issue begins when people mix their e-waste with household waste, demolishing the raw materials in them.

Significanceof Circular Economy and E-Waste Management in India

With time, there is a rising count of new electronic purchases. Howmany mobile phones have you changed in the last five years? You’re probably counting. This is what happens when technology is progressing at an unimaginable pace. Our society’s rising dependence on technology is directly related to the abundance of e-waste we generate yearly. Suitably disposing of e-waste is a need of the hour.

Though it has taken some time, people realise the importance ofe-waste recycling. It takes considerable time to adapt to newness, and paying heed to waste management electronic waste rules is no different. The world's developed economies are undergoing this modification of adapting to the e-waste rules. The good news is India is also a part of this troupe where the circular economy model is followed.

As we speak facts, adopting the circular economy model will fetch benefitsof around $624 billion by 2050 and a 44% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. That’s an immense development!

Advantages of Circular Economy

Circular economy sustainability is a crucial medium for boosting the disposal of e-waste in the environment. Circular economy constitutes numerous benefits, as has been described.

a)    Environmental Security: The first and foremost factor the circular economycontributes to society is lowering emissions, consuming fewer natural
resources, and creating less trash.

b)    Effective for the Local Economy: The circular economy model promotes productionmodels that depend on recycling the surrounding waste as raw material.

c)    Steers Employment Growth: The circular economy model directs towardcreating a new, innovative, and competitive industrial model that finally leads to greater economic growth. E-waste management is a severe menace that is already costing the healthof numerous people. It has already affected many of the worlds, making people environmentally mindful. The sooner people will realise the importance of disposing of electronic waste correctly, the better for the world.