How to Reduce Plastic Waste | 10 Tips to Save the Planet

· Recycle

Contemporary times are witnessing a massive waveof people embracing sustainability. They are directed towards purchasing homegrown, eco-friendly, and environmentally conscious products without money being the pressing matter. According to IBM,in February 2022 noticed, around 93% of people stated how the pandemic had modified their views on sustainability. 57% of consumers are geared toward transforming their buying habits into an environmentally-conscious one.
One aspect that particularly disturbs the sanityof the environment is the excessive use of plastic around us. Despite the presence of every plastic collection centre, people tend tocreate a menace. As a result, one out of two marine turtles are consuming plastics today, and 90% of seabirds already have plastic in their stomachs. The scariest part is that estimation says 14 million tonnes of plastic gets deposited in the ocean yearly.
So, how do we take a backseat to the usage ofplastic? Let us check out the below ten robust tips for plastic waste management.

Top 10 Plastic Waste Management Tips You Need ToKnow

We all are aware by now that plastic waste isgetting worse. If there is still a deficiency in the global response, there will be more plastic than marine animals in the sea. To prevent the catastrophe to happen, check out the following tips to evade that.  

  1. Limit Usage of Coffee Cups
    The global disposable cups market is anticipatedto be valued at US$ 11.6 billion in 2023. In India, there seems to be an augmentation in the production of plastic disposable cups due to the swift increase in cafes, quick-service restaurants, malls, department stores,
    restaurants, and the overall hospitality industry. Despite plastic EPR services in place, this increase is directly affecting plastic waste management. To avert this issue, start using sustainable cups that are fibre-based and reusable.  
  2. Stop Purchasing Watter Bottles
    Polyethene terephthalate, whichcreates water bottles, soda bottles, and similar products, accounts for about 10.2% of worldwide plastic production. The surprising fact is only 9% of
    plastic is recycled every year. If you wish to contribute to sustainability, start using reusable water bottles made of eco-friendly material like fibre, unlike virgin plastic. From beaches to streets, the presence of water bottles is everywhere.

3.     Fill Water from VendingMachines
Most EPR consultants offer the tip of using a reusable waterbottle and getting it filled from aa vending machine. This way, you are instantly preventing the need to buy a new plastic water bottle and sabotaging the environment.

4.     Start Packing Foods in ReusableContainers

Some people pack their lunchesand dinners in plastic bags. They throw them away. Start investing in lunch boxes made of bamboo or steel. You can also use cloth bags to carry your food and wash it.

5.     Cut Back on Microbeads
Microbeads are tiny materialsin numerous beauty products like scrubbers, facewashes, toothpaste, body washes, etc. You might wonder how would a skin-friendly thing vandalise the
environment. But, these minute objects can slip through water-treatment plants. Moreover, certain marine animals confuse these tiny microbeads as food and gulp them down. Choosing products with natural exfoliants comprising slat, oatmeal, etc., is better.

6.    Choose Fruits Instead ofPackaged Foods

Ever wondered how many packagedchips and Cadburys people consume weekly? The global packaged food product market size is estimated to garner a revenue of $34,434.6 million between 2022-2030. So, why buy packaged foods and add to the plastic waste? Opt for responsible recycling and switch to healthier alternatives likebananas, apples, oranges, etc.

7.     Have your Ice-Cream in a Cone

Start ditching the cup andconsuming your ice-creams in a cone. Not only will you relish the ice cream, but also the crunchy cone. Why use plastic cups and spoons when you can enjoy
two things at the same time.

8.     Start Cooking Often
Cooking more often will preventyou from buying packaged foods, and throwing those plastic away and make you healthier. You can ditch the plastic containers or bags and instead start
taking your food in reusable containers. If you often eat out or order in, ask the restaurants to stop sending plastic cutleries.

9.     Opt for Second-Hand Items
Most new toys and electronicgadgets are packed with massive and different types of plastic. Change your purchasing trend and start digging the second-hand places for wholesome toys or
gadgets. Shelves of thrift stores, neighbourhood garage sales, or online posts - these places are filled with some fancy products. You will cut down on a countable amount of plastic and enjoy your new product.

10.  Recycle (You knew it, right?)
Have you ever adequatelyutilised the service of a plastic collection centre? Have you ever searched for plastic disposal near me’? Despite much advancement in plastic waste management, it is not done effectively.You can head to the official government website and check about EPR plastic recycling - which waste would go in which bin.
Apart from all these tips, onecan follow additional convenient tips like ditching teabags, plastic straws, cling wraps, and more. Instead of milk packets, start getting them from the milkman again. When incorporated into your regular life, all these tips will bring positive results. It is time for Indians to be responsible citizens and start taking responsibility for plastic waste management. Being mindful towards the surrounding will already make you one step ahead.